Posts Tagged ‘University Affairs’

Des chercheurs de l’UQO examinent la thérapie équestre en vue d’aider les anciens combattants

Un centre équestre fait appel à des chercheurs de l’Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO) pour valider une méthode de thérapie alternative destinée à des vétérans et des militaires de […]

Agreement with Cree communities could set precedent for research

Indigenous people retain majority of intellectual property rights over research findings stemming from their traditional knowledge of local medicinal plants. Stanley George, newly elected Chief of Whapmagoostui, a small Cree […]

Joint Canadian-Chinese research partnerships starting to flourish

As China updates its research protocols and Western scientists gain access to huge populations for genetics research, such partnerships are way of the future. Barely off the plane from China, […]

Muzzling of Canadian federal scientists makes international headlines

AAAS session documents problems for Canadian science writers. Attendees at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science heard from reporters that the Canadian federal government […]

Seeking research partnerships in emerging countries

Canada looks to Brazil, India for grad students and research partners. In a globalized world where emerging countries aim to become major players in scientific research, universities across Canada would […]